''The Dam Keeper'' is a 2014 American animated short film directed by former Pixar art directors Robert Kondo and Daisuke Tsutsumi. It tells the story of Pig, an introverted youth who lives in a windmill and keeps a dark fog from engulfing his town. Although socially rejected by his peers, he is befriended by the artistic Fox. Kondo and Tsutsumi began developing the film while working on ''Monsters University'' and produced it through a Pixar co-op program. This is Tsutsumi's second short film, after 2011's ''Sketchtravel'', and Kondo's first directorial effort. Producers Megan Bartel and Duncan Ramsay were also employees at Pixar. The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film. ==Plot== Pig lives alone in a windmill on the outskirts of town. The windmill sits atop a massive wall and continually blows away a dark fog that perpetually looms outside the wall. Every day, Pig winds the windmill to keep it turning, just like his father before him. However, in town and at school, nobody likes Pig. Even though he protects the town, the other animal children make fun of him and bully him. One day, a new student arrives at school. This new student is Fox, who keeps a sketchbook and quickly becomes rather popular. One time, Fox drops the sketchbook while leaving the classroom, and Pig discovers that Fox draws mocking caricatures of classmates and teachers. Fox shows up the next day upset about losing the sketchbook, but is relieved to see that Pig has it with him. That day at school, bullies drag Pig into the restroom and harass him. Fox discovers Pig in the restroom, and consoles him and teaches him to use art as an emotional outlet for his daily hardships. The two become good friends. After school one day, Pig notices Fox surrounded by several other students looking at one of Fox's drawings and laughing. Emboldened, Pig approaches the group. Through the crowd, Pig barely sees a mean-looking caricature of himself, with "Dirty" written at the top. Devastated, Pig rips the drawing out of Fox's sketchbook and runs away in tears. As evening continues, the fog draws near - Pig should be returning to his home to wind the windmill. Instead, sitting in sorrow, he puts on his gas mask and waits as the fog envelops the town. The other animals flee in terror. Eventually, Pig looks down at the drawing and discovers that he is not the only one caricatured—Fox is next to him, and the title is actually "Dirty Pals". Jolted back to his senses, Pig realizes what a horrible thing he has done to the town. He makes his way to the windmill and manages to rid the town of the fog (although losing and damaging one of the mills' propellers in the process). Pig looks out the window of the windmill as the fog clears and the citizens begin cleaning up. Pig remembers the drawing and begins to leave. Upon opening the door, Fox is waiting for him. Pig acknowledges his misunderstanding, and Fox extends forgiveness to him. The two then play together inside the windmill. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Dam Keeper」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク